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Maximalist Rug

Explore our Maximalist Rug collection to find the most vibrant, vivid, and exquisite rugs. Available in red, blue, green, orange, and purple hues, you can find the perfect rug to become the centrepiece of your home.Read More
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14 products

$259.00 - $1,099.00

About Maximalist Rug

Maximalist rug is often identified by its bright, vibrant colours. Every rug in Rugitall's maximalist rug collection is designed to stand out, with bold patterns and eye-catching hues. From vivid reds to bold greens. these rugs fit beautifully in a rich décor, enhancing the uniqueness of the space.

Maximalist Rug Styles

Rugitall's maximalist rug collection includes a blend of traditional and contemporary styles. You can see intricate patterns woven into bold red, burgundy or green colours, exuding luxurious charm. There are also modern, geometric patterns adorning softer blues and greys, but no less vibrant. Each of these rugs evokes charm, playfulness, and elegance.

Various Maximalist Rug Sizes for Your Space

Depending on your space, Rugitall has various rug sizes to fit any space. There are suitable for smaller areas like kitchens and study rooms. For larger areas like your living room or dining room, we have the 125x190, 160x235, and 200x300 rugs. 

How to Choose the Right Maximalist Rug

Maximalist rugs fill a space with their patterns and colours. Therefore, choose a design that complements your furnishings. Moreover, consider choosing a rug that fits the vibes of your house. Do you want your house to have a modern or vintage feel? Go with geometric patterns to create a modern feel and choose more intricate patterns to reflect a vintage charm.

Another thing to pay attention to is how cohesive you want your space to be. To make your space look seamless, you can choose rugs with the same hues and colourings. On the other hand, for people who like a bolder look, you can embrace your free-spirited taste through multicolour maximalist rugs with joyful abandon.

Washable and Easy to Maintain

All maximalist rug in Rugitall's collection is washing-machine washable. This is especially great for rugs in the kitchen, dining room, or other high traffic areas. Households with kids and pets will find this perk beneficial. With one wash, the rugs will release all the dust, dirt, pet fur, or hair, leaving it clean and brand-new looking.

We Prioritise Durability

Here at Rugitall, we prioritise durability first and foremost. We want your rugs to stay beautiful over the years without losing their shine and colour. Hence, we designed each rug to be non-shedding, preventing any rug fibres from filling up your space. This also reduces cleaning efforts to a minimum, leaving you to enjoy your rug in peace. Each maximalist rug maintains a consistent 0.75 cm height for both UV-protected and power-woven variants, ensuring their longevity.

Sustainability Matters 

We believe in doing everything we can to preserve our planet. Therefore, we upheld sustainability practices in every step of our rug production and distribution. 98% of our packaging is made of recyclable materials, minimising waste and pollution. We also actively reduce our carbon footprint by choosing ocean shipping instead of other methods. Choose Rugitall to get a beautiful maximalist rug that fits your décor and values.